Monday, March 31, 2008


Welcome back from Spring Break!

Begin reviewing Book XXI: "The Test of the Bow"
Finish watching film

HW: Finish reading Book XXI: "The Test of the Bow" if you didn't read it over break. Also, don't forget to study vocabulary and prepare your passages--unit test on The Odyssey at the end of the week!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Advisory: Planning the Four-Year Experience
Examine sample "Brag Sheets" and review what will be expected in the "Brag Sheet" senior year. Complete the "Four-Year Plan: Academic," listing the courses you have taken in 9th and 10th grades and plan to take in 11th and 12th grades. Complete the "Four-Year Plan: Extracurricular," listing three extracurricular activities that you currently participate in OR plan to participate in, and write a few sentences explaining what you hope to get out of each. Turn these in to your advisor.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


In-class essay on "leaders":
Use at least ONE piece of specific evidence from The Odyssey or any of the three leader articles from the seminar packet to support your thinking. In addition, you may use evidence from personal experience or other readings.

Advisory tomorrow!

HW: Print out a copy of your Pinnacle grade report and highlight any missing assignments, zeroes, or Z's. If you have no Z's, missing assignments, or zeroes, draw a smiley face on your grade report. :) Bring the highlighted Pinnacle report tomorrow for 5 points.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Homework Check: Intro & 2 body paragraphs over "A Moment in History"

Lesson: Persuasive Essay Conclusions
Some ways to end a persuasive essay:

1) Call to action: What should we DO about this problem?
2) Give a sense of urgency: Why does this issue matter RIGHT NOW?
3) Address and refute a counterargument: What does the other side think, and what are some specific reasons that the other side is wrong? What does the other side fail to realize?
4) Explain how this relates to today's society: What does this issue say about America or about human nature in general?

Continue seminar on leaders

HW: Prepare for tomorrow's in class essay on leaders. You'll need to bring your article packets, seminar prep handout, and any notes or other handouts you wish to use. You will be expected to use the strategies I've taught in class (3-step intro, body paragraphs, conclusion types listed above) AND must use one piece of evidence from a text we have studied in class (either from The Odyssey or from one of the three articles) to support your thinking in addition to any other sources of evidence from your own experience or other readings that you choose to use.