Sunday, April 13, 2008


Dear 10th grade students,

First, thanks for a rewarding, fun, and fabulous year. I have really enjoyed sharing what I know about good writing, and have loved discussing great books and challenging issues with you. Thank you so much for the poem and poster--I have had a wonderful year getting to know you all. I hope you have a terrific rest of the year and I will come visit as soon as I am recovered and able.

I entered some grades into Pinnacle on Saturday; I will finish entering the rest on Tuesday prior to Open House. It's really important that you check Pinnacle on Tuesday night or sometime Wednesday--please double-check that I've entered grades correctly (you'll receive the scored work back in class). I'd appreciate it if you could email any questions or corrections to me at by Thursday evening--if I need to make corrections I'll come back in sometime before next weekend. Since pustlet is due to arrive on Monday, 4/21, I really need to make sure I take care of everything at Samo as early this week as possible.

I promise to send pictures along as soon as we have some of our new little bundle of joy. Don't forget to vote for your favorite name this week!

Lots of love and best wishes for the rest of the year and beyond,

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